Meyer Products Anti-Icers Liquid Applicators

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Take charge of winter with Meyer Anti-Icers, and pre-treat areas that need to remain open during winter storms. These high-performing, professional-caliber machines fit into the bed of pickup trucks and UTVs and disperse a brine mixture that prevents snow and ice from bonding to pavement. Plus, you can customize the Anti-Icer that’s right for your application and vehicle.


Find out more about our Anti-Icer liquid applicators.


Quick Facts:

  • Type: Liquid applicator for pickup trucks and utility vehicles

  • Vehicle: Class 2-5 vehicles (200-400 gallon units) and utility vehicles (100 gallon units)

  • Materials: Liquid, de-icing material

  • Motor: 5.5 HP Honda with electric wireless start

  • Flow rate: One-lane coverage; 8-20 gallons per minute and 60 PSI

  • Hopper Construction: Corrosion-resistant polyethylene